African People's Socialist Party-USA - Rules of Party Discipline [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Rules of Party Discipline

At the June 2, 1974 Central Committee meeting the following rules were drafted so that Party members would have a guide to develop and strengthen our discipline.

Any Party member who:

  1. Does not consciously strive to elevate his or her political understanding has broken Party discipline;
  2. Does not strive to unite our Party with the masses has broken Party discipline;
  3. Reveals Party business without authorization has broken Party discipline;
  4. Discusses a Party member negatively to non-Party members has broken Party discipline;
  5. Exploits or oppresses African women through action or statement has broken Party discipline;
  6. Exploits or oppresses African people through action or statement has broken Party discipline;
  7. Fails to initiate constructive criticism or self-criticism has broken Party discipline;
  8. Uses words or actions to divide the Party has broken Party discipline;
  9. Refuses to recognize and follow Party leadership through words or actions has broken Party discipline;
  10. Discards or weakens Party leadership as opposed to strengthening Party leadership has broken Party discipline;
  11. Helps to divide and circumvent international African unity through words or actions has broken Party discipline;
  12. Uses criticism to divide and not unite the Party has broken Party discipline;
  13. Uses criticism or self-criticism on a personal level and not a political level has broken Party discipline;
  14. Uses criticism or self-criticism to hide her or his own shortcomings has broken Party discipline;
  15. Does not carry himself worthy of emulation by the masses has broken Party discipline;
  16. Displays arrogance through actions or words has broken Party discipline;
  17. Displays negativism and reluctance in carrying out Party tasks has broken Party discipline;
  18. Does not strive to bring more Africans into the Party or Party organizations has broken Party discipline;
  19. Engages in adventurous and individualistic acts has broken Party discipline;
  20. Fails to carry out Party policy as manifested by the Party constitution, Party documents, and the Central Committee has broken Party discipline.


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